Saturday, December 31, 2011

Adventures in Santa Fe - Day 3

Hi =) Day 3 and our last full day in Santa Fe!
Today was a pretty chill day! We spent most of the day walking around the Plaza checking out all sorts of little shops! We also went to quite a few art galleries/museums. (Unfortunately I did not take too many pictures!) It was a relaxing day. We went to Mass at St. Francis Cathedral. (Every time we're in Santa Fe, we go here. It is a BEAUTIFUL church). It was a wonderful Mass! Did I mention it was New Years Eve?! I cannot believe it is already 2012! Its been a crazy year but I am so excited to see what this year brings =) Anyways, we had a pretty chill evening. We celebrated New Years Eve just by hanging out watching movies. Not bad =)

**St Francis Cathedral**

Happy New Year! =)

Until next time!!


Friday, December 30, 2011

Adventures in Santa Fe - Day 2

Hello again =)
Day 2! Today was a pretty great day! We started off the day walking through the Plaza and then we stopped at the Loretto Chapel. Its a beautiful Church in downtown Santa Fe and was built in 1872! Its known for its Miraculous Spiral Staircase. The Sisters of St. Loretto tell the story as:

"Needing a way to get up to the choir loft the nuns prayed for St. Joseph's intercession for nine straight days. On the day after their novena ended a shabby looking stranger appeared at their door. He told the nuns he would build them a staircase but that he needed total privacy and locked himself in the chapel for three months. He used a small number of primitive tools including a square, a saw and some warm water and constructed a spiral staircase entirely of non-native wood. The identity of the carpenter is not known for as soon as the staircase was finally finished he was gone. Many witnesses, upon seeing the staircase, feel it was constructed by St. Joseph himself, as a miraculous occurrence."

Oh and want to know something really cool? The staircase is made without ANY nails! Crazy! Anyways, today its a museum and is used for weddings and other special occasions. Anyways its a GORGEOUS church. Heres some pictures =)

Such a beautiful Church. After that, we got in our car and headed out to the Sangre de Cristo mountains to go visit Chimayo. Another beautiful Church tucked in the mountains, built in 1816. I always LOVE going to Chimayo. It is such an incredible and sacred place. Thousands of people from all over the world make pilgrimages to this tiny church. Its such a beautiful place of worship where tons of prayers and intentions are said and where many miracles have come forth. I can't really describe it, but it is just such a HOLY place. They have a sweet little 94 year old priest who is SO awesome. Its wonderful place =)

Till next time =)



Thursday, December 29, 2011

Adventures in Santa Fe - Day 1

Hello! =)
Merry Christmas!!! Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Its been a rough one for my family but we packed our bags and headed for New Mexico!! Yesterday evening we started our long drive, and this morning we finally arrived in Santa Fe! =) This is probably the eighth or ninth time we've come up here on vacation. And every single time I tell people I'm coming up here, they always ask what we do! No we do not have family here, no we do not ski or snowboard. And then everyone asks, "Then what DO you do?" SO I decided to try and document every day of the trip here! =)

Today was pretty uneventful. We arrived early in the afternoon and got lunch, then hung around the hotel and got settled. After we relaxed for a little bit we went down to the Plaza. Its a beautiful park in downtown Santa Fe where there is lots of music, little shops, art galleries, and restaurants. Its really nice! Fun Fact - the plaza was built in 1609 and ever since has been the heart of Santa Fe. It was first built as a fort. Too cool right??

Here are some pictures from today =)

More pictures to come =)

Till next time!


Sunday, December 18, 2011

KTB Masquerade Ball 2011

Hey there! =)
In case it wasn't obvious lol my sorority had a Masquerade Ball themed formal earlier this month. Did I mention how much I love Kappa Theta Beta? Its so awesome that we can combine spiritual, social, and service events all into one organization. Its wonderful. I'm hoping to be even more involved next semester because I won't be class conflict like I was this semester - Yay!

Anyways it was a BLAST!!! I absolutely LOVE living with one of my KTB sisters. We get to get ready together for KTB things! =) And my wonderful friend Hazzel was sweet enough to come help Elizabeth and I get ready!! =)

**Hazzel and Elizabeth getting ready** =)

Elizabeth (on the left!) brought Leslie (one of our other lovely roomies) with us. Aren't my roommates gorgeous?? Yeah they're pretty awesome lol *We missed you Hannah!!

And I was very lucky to go with my wonderful friend Clint! =) We met earlier this semester in our Social Psych class. Yeah, he's pretty great =) And oh my goodness. This boy can DANCE!! haha I had a blast!!! Anyways, Here's some pictures!!!!

Thanks to Hazzel for helping us get ready!! =)

The roomies =)

What an incredible night!!!! Definitely the BEST formal in all my three years =) I had a blast dancing the night away with some pretty amazing people. Definitely a night to remember =)

Till next time....


Old School!

Its Christmas Break!!!!! :D So exciting. Can't believe I finished another semester! Couldn't have done it without these awesome girls. Thankful for such a wonderful semester!

Haha Yes! I know. So myspace. But I wanted to do something different and change up my little blog a bit :) Anyways! Hope you have a wonderful day! =)

A is for age: Twenty!

B is for best friend: Jaclyn Monique Ponish! Best friends for seventeen years and going strong =)

C is for dream career: A child life specialist! =)

D is for your dog's name: Molly <3

E is for essential item you use everyday: iPhone? Lame... I know.

F is for favorite TV show: Either How I Met Your Mother, Pretty Little Liars, or Big Bang Theory :D

G is for favorite game to watch: Fightin' Texas Aggie Football! WHOOP!

H is for Hometown: Corpus Christi <3

I is for instruments you play: Piano!

J is for favorite juice: Well its not technically a juice lol but I do love strawberry lemonade lol

K is for kids: LOVE kids!

L is for last place you ate: Subway? hah

M is for marriage: If God has that in store for me! Hoping so =)

N is for your full name: Jacy Lane Adams <3

O is for overnight hospital stay: I imagine they would be no fun...?

P is for people you were with today: Just my family =)

Q is for a quote: Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths

R is for Biggest Regret: Absolutely no regrets!

S is for last song you heard - Parachute - Ingrid Michaelson - I'm kinda obsessed with her music right now lol

T is for time you woke up today: 10ish

U is for unknown fact about me: I'm a beast at rock paper scissors. No, seriously ;)

V is for dream vacation: Oh goodness I have SO many places I'd love to go to. But I'd probably have to go with Italy =)

W is for worst habits: Overanalyzing and WORRYING about trivial things.

X is for x-rays you've had: None actually!

Y is for something yummy you ate today: Biscuits with honeybutter =)

Z is for zodiac sign: Leo! :D

Hope I didn't bore you tooo much. Since we're going "old school" on this post, here's a great old song =) Have a blessed day! <3
Till next time...!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Halloweekend 2011

Hello :) Sorry I haven't written in a long time. I blame the craziness of being a college student. Too many tests, papers, and quizzes. But I DID survive. For now at least. Only about four weeks of class left till Christmas break! So crazy. And Thanksgiving is quickly approaching. I just love the holidays! Speaking of... just a few weeks ago was Halloween. It was a great weekend filled with lots of Halloween parties, lots of crazy costumes, and lots of yummy candy.

I started out the weekend with a Halloween party hosted by Starlight, one of the organizations I'm involved in on campus. Starlight is a wonderful organization that helps seriously ill children and their families cope through education, play therapy, and family activities. Its wonderful!! If you want to know more about Starlight, check out Anyways, here's a few pictures from Thursday night. This is costume #1 - A sailor girl!

Fun stuff :) Then there was Saturday. Let me start off by saying, my roommates are the coolest girls ever. We all ditched the A&M football game (sorry Ags!) and instead dressed up in our epic costumes and ran around an empty campus and took some pretty legit pictures. Let me introduce you....!

Leslie - aka BATMAN

Jacy - aka ROBIN

Elizabeth - aka Violet from THE INCREDIBLES

Jeremy - aka Shuffle Bot from LMFAO

Now get ready for some epic pictures...... :)

In case you can't tell, we had a lot of fun :) Later that night we watched some awesome "scary" movies, played a crazy dancing game, and just hung out. It was a really great day!

Hope everyone had a great Halloween!

Until next time...


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Let Your Hair Down!

Hello :)
So today is an absolutely gorgeous day. Its FINALLY beginning to feel like fall. This morning it was a chilly 46 degrees (crazy! What is this cold weather?! haha). The sun was shining down and the sky was a beautiful bright blue, not a cloud in sight. As I walked to class I just took it all in - the beautiful, crisp, fall air, and the warm sunshine. I couldn't help but smile. What a beautiful morning, and what a blessing! Sometimes I think its important for us to just stop and take time to appreciate the trees, the birds, and the wind blowing in our face. We live in such a beautiful world and best of all its available to us 24 hours a day - for free! The simplest things can bring so much joy in our life! All you have to do is open your eyes and see all the beautiful blessings God gives us. So today, just stop and let your hair down. Enjoy the beauty our world has to offer. :)

Song of the day. (Definitely a Jack Johnson kind of day!)


Till next time,


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Skating Adventure with KTB

Well hello there! :)
I haven't posted anything in a looooong time. A lot has changed these last few months. I promise I'll post some pictures of my new apartment! Its wonderful :) I'm really liking living off campus this year. ANYWHO! Classes are going well. I have six tests within eight days. Its pretty ridiculous. But I'm TRYING not to freak out haha I'm really hoping to go home once I'm done with all those tests. So tonight, I had an absolutely wonderful study break! My sorority hosted an ice skating social. It was a blast! [Did I mention I am absolutely horrible at ice skating? Because I am. Definitely not the most graceful lol] It was a wonderful time to just catch up with all my lovely sisters, and it was such a good break! :)

I hope you enjoyed my really random post lol
Definitely thankful for these wonderful girls, and a great time! <3

Till next time!


About Me

My photo
Howdy! My name is Jacy Lane and I am 22 years old. I am a graduate of Texas A&M University (WHOOP! Class of 2013). I am currently a graduate student at UTSA getting my Masters of Social Work.