Thursday, December 29, 2011

Adventures in Santa Fe - Day 1

Hello! =)
Merry Christmas!!! Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Its been a rough one for my family but we packed our bags and headed for New Mexico!! Yesterday evening we started our long drive, and this morning we finally arrived in Santa Fe! =) This is probably the eighth or ninth time we've come up here on vacation. And every single time I tell people I'm coming up here, they always ask what we do! No we do not have family here, no we do not ski or snowboard. And then everyone asks, "Then what DO you do?" SO I decided to try and document every day of the trip here! =)

Today was pretty uneventful. We arrived early in the afternoon and got lunch, then hung around the hotel and got settled. After we relaxed for a little bit we went down to the Plaza. Its a beautiful park in downtown Santa Fe where there is lots of music, little shops, art galleries, and restaurants. Its really nice! Fun Fact - the plaza was built in 1609 and ever since has been the heart of Santa Fe. It was first built as a fort. Too cool right??

Here are some pictures from today =)

More pictures to come =)

Till next time!


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About Me

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Howdy! My name is Jacy Lane and I am 22 years old. I am a graduate of Texas A&M University (WHOOP! Class of 2013). I am currently a graduate student at UTSA getting my Masters of Social Work.