Saturday, November 3, 2012

Taylor Swift's RED

So, if you know me at all, you know that I am one of the biggest Taylor Swift fans. In August she announced that she would be releasing a new CD on October 22nd. When I heard this, I was absolutely ecstatic! After waiting a few months and hearing some new singles, her newest album RED came out. And I absolutely love it.

Taylor Swift and the meaning of the title,
"All the different emotions that are written about on this album are all pretty much about the kind of tumultuous, crazy, insane, intense, semi-toxic relationships that I've experienced in the last two years. All these emotions- spanning from intense love, intense frustrations, jealousy, confusion, all of that - in my mind, all those emotions are red. You know, nothing in between. There's nothing beige about any of those feelings"

Track List

1) State of Grace
2) RED
3) Treacherous
4) I Knew You Were Trouble
5) All Too Well
6) 22
7) I Almost Do
8) We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
9) Stay Stay Stay
10) The Last Time
11) Holy Ground
12) Sad Beautiful Tragic
13) The Lucky One
14) Everything Has Changed (featuring Ed Sheeran)
15) Starlight
16) Begin Again
Bonus Tracks:
17) The Moment I Knew
18) Come Back... Be Here
19) Girl At Home
20) Treacherous (Original Demo Recording)
21) RED (Original Demo Recording)
22) State of Grace (Acoustic Version)

If you don't want to buy the whole album, I'd recommend some of my favorite songs :)
* 22
* I Knew You Were Trouble
* We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
* Stay Stay Stay
* Everything Has Changed
* Starlight

I love how honest her songs are. And how relatable they are.
Check some of the songs out, I promise they won't disappoint.
Last week she just announced her tour dates. And she is coming to San Antonio, Houston, and Dallas.
I can't wait!!! This will be my third time seeing her perform.
She also has the wonderful Ed Sheeran touring with her.
(I LOVE his music, so I'm even more excited!)

Sorry for the TSwift post. I just had to... :)

Until next time...


Halloween 2012

Halloween 2012 came and went. I would say it was a successful one! My roommates and I had a little get together the weekend before. It was pretty fun! One of the organizations I am in, Project Sunshine,  also had a Halloween Carnival. Project Sunshine is a non-profit organization that puts on activities for children with special needs and their siblings. Joining PSun was one of the best decisions I've made at Texas A&M! On Halloween I went to a party at my church St. Mary's. It was really fun to see everyone and their awesome costumes. I also got to get some dancing in :) Overall, it was a nice Halloween. Enjoy the pictures!

One of my costumes - A kitty!

Roomie Leslie and her boyfriend Scot

Me and my buddy at the Project Sunshine Halloween Carnival
Isn't she precious?

Cat & a Bat!
Too cute.

Captain Jack Sparrow & Robin
(His costume was legit!)

Ke$ha, Thing 1, Thing 2, and Robin
These girls were so sweet!

Hazzel aka Princess Jasmine :)
Just me and two penguins. HA! I loved their costumes!

It ended up being a pretty fun Halloween :)
I've already got a costume idea for next year. Audrey Hepburn anyone? :)

Hope your Halloween was fun as well!

Until next time....


Friday, November 2, 2012

St. Lucy

As you may or may not know, All Saints Day was yesterday! In the Catholic Church, November 1st is All Saints Day - the solemnity of all saints. Its a pretty cool day where we can just recognize the saints and all they have done. I really enjoy reading stories of different saints. They're ultimately just regular people with a burning desire for Christ. Their stories are really inspirational, and encourage me to strive to be the best Christian I can possibly be.

As a Catholic, I was confirmed back in High School. Confirmation is a wonderful sacrament in which you receive the Holy Spirit and become an "adult member" of the Catholic Church. Its pretty awesome lol Anyways. Before you get confirmed, you have to pick a saint. This saint name signifies your change in status - After being confirmed you are fully initiated in the Catholic Church. So back when I was fifteen, I started researching all different saints, trying to decide on which saint I would pick to be my Confirmation Saint. I came across St. Lucy and was immediately drawn to her story.

St. Lucy (also known as St. Lucia)  was a young wealthy Christian girl born in Syracuse in 283 AD (a loooong time ago lol). St. Lucy's mother planned an arranged marriage, but Lucy vowed to live her life for Christ and Christ alone. She valued her virginity and wanted to stay pure to God. Unfortunately, the guy she was supposed to marry was very upset about this. As a result, he betrayed Lucy to the governor. (At this time Christian persecutions were VERY common). The government then tried to force her into prostitution, but St. Lucy put up a fight. Ultimately she was beaten and tortured. Some accounts say that miraculously they were unable to move her, or burn her. Legend even has it they gorged her eyes out! (This is the reason why she is the patron saint of light and blindness). Even though we don't know specifics, we do know that St. Lucy was martyred for her faith and devotion to God. Just incredible!

St. Lucy's feast day is December 13th. Which is too cool. If you know me, you know that I absolutely love Taylor Swift haha. Her birthday is on December 13th. Also, 13 is one of my lucky numbers and the year I will graduate from college. So having my FAVORITE saint's feast day on December 13th? Too awesome haha I think so at least... :)

St. Lucy is an inspiration to me for many reasons. I love that we have saints to look up to and model. She was just an ordinary girl with a huge passion for God. Thats the cool thing about saints. They were just like you and me, but had a great love for God. St. Lucy is one of my role models and I will always look to her story for encouragement to strive to be the best person I can be!

St. Lucy, pray for us!

Until next time...


Sunday, August 12, 2012

The one where I went Deep Sea Fishing

Hey :)
So.... yesterday I did something pretty crazy! Well... not so much crazy - just exciting. I went deep sea fishing with my aunt, uncle, and cousins! It was a spur of the moment thing too :) I've been fishing a handful of times, most of the time just on piers and stuff like that. I have been on boats before too! When we were younger, my best friend had a birthday party where went sailing. (I LOVED it!) 

Anyways, this was an incredible experience! At first when we started going out to sea, I was kinda terrified haha we were going so fast and the waves were SO crazy and very choppy. Not being a good swimmer, I was afraid I was gonna get thrown off and be in trouble haha Luckily, I didn't ;) It was a gorgeous sight though. Miles and miles of deep, blue, ocean water. After an hour or so going deeper and deeper into sea, I relaxed and started to enjoy it! FINALLY, we stopped and began to fish. It was a much harder task than I thought - trying to balance and stay standing despite the boat rocking back and forth WHILE holding on to a fishing pole lol. Somehow I managed to do it. My little cousin Elias got the first (and biggest) catch of the day!! Oh and I didn't realize how messy fishing is. When they brought the big fish my cousin caught onto the deck, lets just say it got really really messy. Lots of blood (ick!). We stayed in one spot, and then after a while, moved on to other spots. Did I mention we went at least 75 miles off shore? Maybe more, I'm not sure. And the water was at least 100 feet deep. Crazy!! We fished for about 4 hours and headed back. Sunset was absolutely breathtaking. My pictures do not do justice. Overall it was an incredible, exhilarating, (and sometimes a little scary haha) experience. I've never done ANYTHING like that before. Definitely thankful for this cool experience :) 

Here's some pictures! Enjoy!
Waiting to board the ship :)
My cousin Evelina & me

Gorgeous sunset

Biggest catch of the day! :)
Cousins Elias & Evelina

Until next time

Friday, August 10, 2012

Fill In the Blank Friday!

Fill In the Blank Friday!

Hey there! :)
So today is FRIDAY! Woohoo. Its been a long week. Anyways I got this "Fill  in the blank Friday" from my good friend Stephanie's blog

1.  The age I will be on my upcoming birthday is - TWENTY ONE! I am so ridiculously excited :) Its the last BIG birthday!! I cannot wait!!!! Still working on plans lol

2.   The best birthday present ever would be  - A trip to ITALY. Or on a smaller scale, some pink Nikes, or a new camera :)

3.  My favorite birthday to date was  Hmmm I would have to go with my sixteenth birthday. I had a surprise party and it was so fun and carefree. Also, back then I thought 16 was THE best age ever lol 

16th Surprise Birthday party

4. Birthdays make me feel  - Super excited :) and loved. The anticipation to the day is almost as awesome as the actual day. I'm big on birthdays and holidays and such :)

5. The worst birthday I ever had was   Hmmm i don't know. I don't think I've really had a 'bad' birthday... I mean last year for my 20th birthday (also my golden birthday. Turning 20 on the 20th) I moved into my new apartment. So it was kind of weird and didn't feel like my birthday. An unusual but good birthday

6. When I was born  I was 7 lbs haha and had a TON of dark brown hair. I was born on Tuesday August 20th, 1991 at around 7:30 in the morning. Almost 3 weeks early. Oh and random fact. When my mom was pregnant she just had a feeling I was going to be a boy, but my older sister only 15 months older, rubbed my mom's tummy and said "Baby Girl. Baby Girl" - She knew haha
And I was originally going to be named "Maggie" if a girl. Or Abelardo (after my grandpa) if a boy. Instead they came up with JACY. (See the movie - Last Picture Show)
7.  So far my favorite age has been   Honestly I'd think it'd be 20. I grew a lot this past year. I met some amazing people, fostered some beautiful friendships. I moved into my first apartment. It was a big year full of independence. I found a lot of inner strength and learned I can be successful and happy on my own. :) 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Looking Back... Part 2

Hi again :)

So fall semester was going great! Aggie football games, wonderful concerts, and making great memories with some really awesome people. It continued with some equally awesome events. Check it out!

Junior E-Walk
So here at Texas A&M, we have a tradition called Elephant Walk. This is a tradition for Seniors that started in 1926. Like dying elephants, which wander the jungle looking for a place to die, thousands of Aggie seniors join hands and walk around campus for the symbolic "last time." There's yell practice with the Yell Leaders, and usually a presentation to end it all. In the 1980s, the junior class often attempted to disrupt the Senior Elephant Walk. In a way to preserve the tradition, they created E-Walk for the Junior class. E-Walk symbolizes the junior class assuming their role as the next leaders of the 12th Man. 

A-WHOOP (Roomies Elizabeth & Leslie)

One of the two Elephants on campus!

I didn't feel like waiting in a super long line to get a professional picture with one of the elephants so I just took one here lol 

My good friend Hazzel!

Kappa Theta Beta - Initiation

Every November my sorority initiates girls into our Catholic Sorority. "Initiation" sounds like such a harsh, crazy thing, but we just have a prayerful discernment and other things I can't say ;) Overall its a very beautiful experience that I celebrate with my sisters.

From L-R - Mallory, Mel, Brittany

My little Amanda! 
A-A-A Whoop! Juniors :)
Elizabeth, Jacy, and Lizzy

Roomie Elizabeth :)

Fightin' Texas Aggie Basketball

I started off spring semester with some Aggie Basketball. I really enjoy basketball. Perhaps it is because I actually understand the sport lol my high school did not have a football team so we cheered for basketball! Here's some pictures from a game I went to with some of my roomies!

Waiting for the game to start
Roomies Leslie & Hannah

Go Aggies!

Hannah & I with two of the Yell Leaders <3

The Rocket Summer - Concert Benefiting the ACA

Later that semester I went to a concert at Wolf Pen Creek - the amphitheatre right across my apartment. My friend Hazzel, Roomie Leslie, and her brother Stephen accompanied me! It was a really great concert benefiting the American Cancer Society! And anyone who knows me knows that I'm a big supporter of Childhood Cancer Awareness. Great Concert + Great cause = A really excited Jacy. The Rocket Summer is a really awesome band. Or rather Bryce Avary! He plays and records every single instrument for his songs. Every single one! He's very talented, and puts on one heck of a show!

Roomie Leslie, Hazzel, and me
during the concert!
Stephen, Leslie, & Hazzel

Bryce Avary is one cool dude!
He even came down into the crowd.

Having fun with the crowd!

Just some more of the great memories made during my Junior year at A&M :)
Look out for Part 3 ;)

Till next time...



Sunday, May 20, 2012

Looking Back... Part 1

Hey! So after all those final papers, projects, and exams it is finally SUMMER! Can you believe it? I'm back in Corpus for the summer and it hasn't really hit me yet that I completed my THIRD year, at Texas A&M University. I'm a Fightin' Texas Aggie SENIOR! When did this happen?! I feel like I just moved into my dorm freshman year. Time really has flied... I just wanted to have a special post dedicated to the amazing year I've had. It's been a really big year for me. I moved into my first apartment with some pretty awesome girls, I started my first upper level courses, fostered some amazing friendships, and really grew as a person. I've learned so much this year. Despite some minor bumps in the road, its been a fantastic year and I am so blessed to have completed another year here in Aggieland. Now to highlight some of the amazing memories I've made....

The year started out with a BANG as I celebrated my TWENTIETH birthday and moved into my apartment - all in the same day! I moved in with some pretty amazing girls. Elizabeth, Leslie, and Hannah. It was a pretty awesome birthday moving into my apartment! Later that night we went dancing 
Clearly as you can see, going dancing is one of my fav. things to do in Aggieland ;)

But alas, summer came to an end, and fall semester began. However, one of the good things about fall semester is..... Fightin' Texas Aggie FOOTBALL! We had a great season. It ended up being the last year we were in the Big XII conference. Hello SEC :) The football games here are amazing. And as a Junior, I got to pull pretty decent seats (one of the perks of being an upperclassman!)
Oh Kyle Field how I love you :)
Elizabeth and me before a game :)
Beautiful sunset on Kyle Field

So Fall semester was off to a good start. October rolled around and I've got to say, Halloween 2011 was one of the BEST Halloweens I've ever had. I've got some pretty awesome people to thank for that. I even had a few costumes! It was pretty epic. Not gonna lie ;) My first one was a cute Sailor girl, and the second one was Robin - my roomies and I had a superhero theme going on. It was pretty cool. Check it!

Costume #1 
Costume #2 with my Batman (Leslie).
Yup. Pretty epic. We even ran into a random Flash! 

Oh! I almost forgot about the two fantastic concerts I went to this semester. I was so lucky to see my two FAVORITE artists. First was seeing Yellowcard, my absolute favorite band. Ever. Elizabeth and I took a trip up to Austin and got to see Yellowcard. It was my second time seeing them, but first time I've seen them headline a tour. It was phenomenal. Seriously best concert I have ever been to. And I promise I'm not just saying that because it was my favorite band lol It was absolutely wonderful. The energy they brought to stage, their involvement with the crowd, the great songs they played. It was so so awesome. Probably one of my favorite memories of this semester. Thanks to roomie Elizabeth for going with me :)

Yellowcard - Austin, Texas

Before we left for Austin
After getting their autographs :)

Taylor Swift - Houston Texas
Yep. Words cannot describe how amazing that concert that was. And only a week later, I was able to see one of my role models, in concert. The lovely Taylor Swift!!! This was also going to be the second time I would see her. Was I excited? Um duh! I love her music and what she stands for. I was lucky enough to get to go with one of my wonderful sorority sisters and amazing friend Mallory! :)
Mallory and I before the concert!
Taylor Swift's lucky number. She writes it on her hand for every concert!

As you can see, just this semester was full of great and exciting memories. These are just a few. More to come, but that will be in my next post! :) Yay! I hope everyone is having a fantastic summer.

Till next time...




About Me

My photo
Howdy! My name is Jacy Lane and I am 22 years old. I am a graduate of Texas A&M University (WHOOP! Class of 2013). I am currently a graduate student at UTSA getting my Masters of Social Work.