Friday, August 10, 2012

Fill In the Blank Friday!

Fill In the Blank Friday!

Hey there! :)
So today is FRIDAY! Woohoo. Its been a long week. Anyways I got this "Fill  in the blank Friday" from my good friend Stephanie's blog

1.  The age I will be on my upcoming birthday is - TWENTY ONE! I am so ridiculously excited :) Its the last BIG birthday!! I cannot wait!!!! Still working on plans lol

2.   The best birthday present ever would be  - A trip to ITALY. Or on a smaller scale, some pink Nikes, or a new camera :)

3.  My favorite birthday to date was  Hmmm I would have to go with my sixteenth birthday. I had a surprise party and it was so fun and carefree. Also, back then I thought 16 was THE best age ever lol 

16th Surprise Birthday party

4. Birthdays make me feel  - Super excited :) and loved. The anticipation to the day is almost as awesome as the actual day. I'm big on birthdays and holidays and such :)

5. The worst birthday I ever had was   Hmmm i don't know. I don't think I've really had a 'bad' birthday... I mean last year for my 20th birthday (also my golden birthday. Turning 20 on the 20th) I moved into my new apartment. So it was kind of weird and didn't feel like my birthday. An unusual but good birthday

6. When I was born  I was 7 lbs haha and had a TON of dark brown hair. I was born on Tuesday August 20th, 1991 at around 7:30 in the morning. Almost 3 weeks early. Oh and random fact. When my mom was pregnant she just had a feeling I was going to be a boy, but my older sister only 15 months older, rubbed my mom's tummy and said "Baby Girl. Baby Girl" - She knew haha
And I was originally going to be named "Maggie" if a girl. Or Abelardo (after my grandpa) if a boy. Instead they came up with JACY. (See the movie - Last Picture Show)
7.  So far my favorite age has been   Honestly I'd think it'd be 20. I grew a lot this past year. I met some amazing people, fostered some beautiful friendships. I moved into my first apartment. It was a big year full of independence. I found a lot of inner strength and learned I can be successful and happy on my own. :) 


  1. thanks for giving me the credit and sending ppl my way! i get fill in the blank friday from so i can't take all the credit, hahaha. But im glad you enjoy it :)

    I'm glad you had a great year, and I can't wait for your 21st! yayy! :D

  2. haha of course!! :) Love your blog!

    And yes ma'am! I can't wait. I'll let you know if I end up planning anything fun :D



About Me

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Howdy! My name is Jacy Lane and I am 22 years old. I am a graduate of Texas A&M University (WHOOP! Class of 2013). I am currently a graduate student at UTSA getting my Masters of Social Work.