Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Self Concept - Psychology Assignment

As you may or may not know, I'm getting my minor in Psychology. I find it one of the most fascinating subjects I've ever studied. I've loved every single PSYC class I've taken. This semester I'm in Psychology of Adjustment and we periodically have homework that requires us to dig deep and reflect on our core being, our morals, and how we view ourselves. Its a little bit challenging but I think its a great exercise. So here is a little bit from an assignment I recently did! 

Question: Describe your self-concept, the “good” and the “bad.” Particularly focus on the descriptors at the core of your self-concept. The things about you that are pretty consistent across time and situations. The things that help to define who you are as a person, and help set you apart from other people.
Answer: I believe I am compassionate and caring individual. I think that I am a very emotional person. Which can be both good and bad. I wear my heart on my sleeve and do the best to let the people around me know how I feel. But on the other hand I tend to take offense or get hurt by the smallest things. I have a big heart and have always enjoyed helping others, whether it be a small thing or a bigger act of service.  I like being around the people I am closest with and from time to time get lonely if I spend long periods of time by myself. I tend to be indecisive and it usually takes me a long time to make a decision. I consistently like to have things planned out and get anxious when things are uncertain.

Question: Describe your ideal self (who you would ideally like to be) and fearful self (who you are afraid of becoming). Which aspects of your self-concept would you like to change in order to achieve your ideal self or avoid your fearful self?

Answer: Ideally I would like to be a strong confident girl who continues finding joy in every day situations. My ideal self would also include being more active and social as well as enjoying my own company. My feared self would be someone who is too dependent upon others and who lets emotions make it difficult to overcome challenges and happenings that are out of my control. In order to achieve my ideal self I will continue to embrace who I am and not let the “negative” things such as sometimes being too emotional, affect my overall self worth. I will continue to remind myself that my personality and my overall self is unique and is just the way I was created to be. 

Question: Take the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale:
What was your total score? How do you generally feel about your self-concept? Positively? Negatively? In transition?

Answer: My total score was 23/30. I feel really positive about this score. There are many small things I “dislike” about myself (mostly physical, just as any twenty something girl does), but I overall I highly value myself and my accomplishments. Overall I feel pretty good about my self-concept. Like everyone, I have my faults and things I can work on, but I try to embrace who I am.

Fun stuff! I like reflecting on things like this. If you are bored/have time, you should ask yourself the same question. Who do you think you are? Who do you WANT to be? Who are you afraid of becoming? These are some deep questions yall lol! I just thought it was a really interesting assignment and felt the need to share :) 

Until next time...


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About Me

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Howdy! My name is Jacy Lane and I am 22 years old. I am a graduate of Texas A&M University (WHOOP! Class of 2013). I am currently a graduate student at UTSA getting my Masters of Social Work.